Our professional experts receive advanced training from certified trainers of leading IT companies, so you can be assured of a quality, efficient support at any service center you use. We care about our partners’ after sales quality and we are delighted to inform you that we have extended service support by the endorsement of our service partners.
- Authorized service providers of: Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Hewlett Packard Incorporated, Acer, Lenovo, Eaton, Schneider Electric, APC by Schneider Electric, Tripplite, ARTronic.
- Diagnostics & Maintenance Services: System diagnostics & troubleshooting, data recovery, system cleaning and tune-up, full system diagnostics, virus, spyware scan and removal.
- Repair Services: Replacement of defective part, like HDD, RAM, LCD displays and etc.. HPE, HPI, Acer, Lenovo warranty repairs, we service other brands as well.
- Upgrades and Computer Parts: Memory upgrades, hard drive upgrades, add-on card install/setup (modem, network, WiFi, video) Desktops – System board and processor, Cables and connectors for IDE and SATA drives, AC adapters and power cords, many other upgrades and services.
Bestcomp Group’s service centers are operating 6 days a week, 9 hours a day.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Hewlett Packard Incorporated, Acer, Lenovo Authorized Service Centre:
Address: 47X, Feyzulla Gasymzadeh str., Baku, Azerbaijan
Phone / Fax: (+99412) 541 5757
Schneider Electric, APC by Schneider Electric, Eaton, Tripplite, ARTronic, QNAP Authorized Service Centre:
Address: 2a, Ashyg Aly str., Baku, Azerbaijan
Phone: (+99412) 541 4747
Bestcomp Group’s Service Center for project customers:
Address: 2a, Ashyg Aly str., Baku, Azerbaijan
Phone: (+99412) 541 4747